On Thursday New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio announced plans for a Fall 2021 reopening of Broadway and Off Broadway performances. The city will be opening dedicated vaccination sites in the coming weeks for the theater community. Now is the time to offer your services for signage, printing, and awning needs.

Broadway Brings Hope

Broadway is the cultural center of the world. It is central to New York City's identity. It is what people know and love about us.

To get the theater industry ready to reopen in the fall, we must prepare now. That includes setting up vaccination sites dedicated to theater workers, located in the heart of the theater district, and staffed by theater community members.

The city will also set up mobile units for Off-Broadway locations.

The theater provides 100,000 jobs and is a $15 Billion industry. We need to revive it and it has to happen now.

"The hope that comes with live performance, the hope that comes from our cultural community is absolutely crucial," said De Blasio in his press conference today.

"This is going to be a year to turn things around, and our artists, our performers, our cultural community are going to lead the way . . . It is time to raise the curtain and bring Broadway back."

Signs for Vaccination Sites

Digi-Step floor vinyl is popular for vaccination sites.

Vaccination sites will need wayfinding signs including floor vinyl with social distancing messages. Read our complete floor vinyl guide here.

Besides vaccination sites, many industries will need signage. See how you can benefit from the Top 25 Markets for Printing in 2021.

The Mayor has vowed to ensure safe distancing when Broadway shows return. You can offer all the Wall decals, printed brochures, and other media and signage they will need.

Get your business ready for the coming boom.

Theater District Need Marquees

As our customers have proven, we step in to fill a need. New shows will be reopening and they need marquees and window graphics. You can be the next sign company to help with the comeback.

Retractable Awnings for Theater District

As the shows return, so will the eateries. The weather will bring diners outside. Now is the time to reel in your retractable awning customers. And with our new 5 days from order to delivery, how can you not sell more?

We give you everything you need to close more deals and sell more retractable awnings.

A-Frames will come in handy to attract customers as restaurants reopen. Read more on that here.


New York City is doing everything it can to vaccinate as many people as possible to get the reopening underway.

Along with this comes renewed opportunities for your business, be it signage, awnings, or wide format printing. Get in while it's hot and drum up business where it is needed.

S&F Supplies has all the resources and tools you need to sell more and make more.

Reach out with any questions.