2 min read

Leave your customers in good hands with our detailed care guide to assist them in caring for their Sunsation retractable awning.

The new care guide provides instructions on how to clean and treat Sunbrella® fabric. Regular cleaning and upkeep keeps the awning free from mold and mildew, and prevents staining.

For customers who bought a standard awning, the guide offers upgrade options with Somfy systems. A Somfy motor can set awnings on a schedule, and open and close them with ease. Automated retractable awnings support an upgraded lifestyle and make shade easily attainable.

In Good Hands

Sunsation retractable awnings are easy to operate, and the care guide will help troubleshoot any problems.

Customers will call you when they need assistance, as your number will be sewn into the valance. The guide includes instructions on setting up and operating a Somfy remote, and RTS programing.

Most importantly, the guide will leave your clients feeling confident in their new retractable awning, and secure in the knowledge that they have the tools to care for it.

Free Marketing Bundle

The awning care guide joins our other free marketing tools to help you sell more retractable awnings. We give you the confidence and support you need to make more awning sales.

Check out our free customizable postcards and business cards to reach your customer base. We've compiled the top benefits of retractable awnings for both residential and commercial you can use to sow interest.

Our new Buyer's Guide educates you and your customers on the full benefits of a Sunsation retractable awning. And you can leave a Sunbrella Shade fabric guide with your clients to help them select the awning fabric they'll enjoy.

We provide you with an installation guide to correctly install a Sunsation retractable awning. And finally, the Care Guide will assist in extending the life of the awning and give your customers the feeling that they purchased a superior product.


Happy new owners of Sunsation retractable awnings now have the care guide they need to keep their awning in pristine condition and extend its life. They have the option to upgrade their awning to an automated Somfy system. And when they need help with troubleshooting and repairing their awning, they'll know who to call.

As the awning installer, your services will be needed throughout the lifetime of the retractable awning, and beyond. Give your customers the confidence that they made a sound decision with their new Sunsation retractable awning.

Further reading: retractable awnings.

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