Mike Holst of American Woodcarving, an S&F customer for over 20 years, was recently featured by Sign Builder Illustrated for his work at the Turtleback Zoo.

Mike Holst didn't always use HDU foam in sign fabrication. But, thankfully, he eventually came to see its many benefits over wood, and has now been using CORAFOAM® HDU for 10 years.

When Mike was hired in the full renovation of the Turtleback Zoo entrance, he hand-carved a zoo of animals out of CORAFOAM- a lion, giraffe, several flamingoes, and a waddle of penguins.

It took him 70 hours on the lion alone, along with the care and attention to detail he put into each animal.

Read the full article "King of the HDU Jungle" here on Sign Builder Illustrated.

Check out some of Mike's other recent projects: