2 min read
Phase 1 is coming this Monday, June 8. While only a few industries may be part of this reopening, all businesses are thinking of their reopening plan.

Here at S&F we have prepared some useful designs that you can use to educate your customers about the services you may offer.

You can use these to post to your social media, use in your email blasts, and even print them up as flyers to hand deliver to your customer, ensuring that they continue asking you for ideas on what they can do to promote their businesses. 

Social distancing regulations and Covid-19 protection are on everyone’s mind. From PlexiGuardsTM to clear vinyl you should be offering your customers ways to keep their environments safe. 

We are seeing a significant increase in awning installations to provide cover for those waiting outside retails stores.

We are also seeing an increased number of retractable awning installations for the restaurant industry, who are planning additional outdoor seating as soon as they get approval to open. 

Waiting outside in line is the new normal, we are seeing an increase in stores using their free space to educate the customers with graphics related to their services and brand. 

We have compiled a large number of designs that can help you push sales for each of these items. Each design is in an editable PDF format so you can easily add in your company information to suit your needs. 

Here at S&F Supplies, our commitment to bringing you the best service has never been stronger.